David Kushner


Last Saturday night, September 2nd, Orlando screamed their lungs out to David Kushner’s record breaking ballads at The Beacham during The Daylight Tour 2.0. The deafening welcome of the crowd perfectly translated the excitement of the fans, being described by David himself as the loudest he has heard yet on tour.

With a guitar in hand and an impressive vocal range, the 22-year-old singer-songwriter commanded the stage with an infectious smile, dispelling any nerves and delivering an impeccable performance despite the packed venue. The setlist featured viral hits such as “Daylight,” “Burn,” and “Mr. Forgettable.” But David also treated fans to a tantalizing glimpse of the future, surprising the audience with unreleased songs that momentarily transformed the loud atmosphere into an eager hush, leaving everyone craving more.

David’s artistry transcends mere stage presence. His ability to craft an emotionally charged atmosphere and bare his vulnerability allows the audience to connect deeply with his lyrics. Opening up about sensitive topics like anxiety and the loss of loved ones, David shares a piece of his own story with each new song. For instance, introducing “Mr. Forgettable” with the heartfelt tale of his grandfather’s battle with Alzheimer’s resonated profoundly with me, as I’ve faced a similar experience with my own grandfather. These personal moments shared on stage elevate the live

performance of an already emotional and well-written songs to an even higher plane.

David’s genuine love and appreciation for his fans shine through in every “thank you” and every radiant smile. He goes the extra mile by reciprocating with heartfelt “I love you’s” after a song or surprising the audience with free merch tossed from the stage. With a unique voice and the ability to convey his most vulnerable experiences through his songs, witnessing David’s live performance served as a strong reminder of why I fell in love with music in the first place.

Without a shadow of a doubt, David Kushner is a rising star destined for even greater heights. His sold-out USA tour is just the beginning of a remarkable career, and I eagerly anticipate the journey ahead. Count me in as a dedicated front-row fan, ready to witness the blossoming of this extraordinary artist.

Pictures + Review by: Julia Lopes